August 11-13, 2023 is part of the Informa Markets Division of Informa PLC

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August 11-13, 2023
Kay Bailey Hutchison Convention Center
Dallas, TX

Duncan Walker

Skyports Infrastructure


Duncan Walker is CEO and Co-founder of Skyports, the Advanced Air Mobility (AAM) infrastructure developer and drone services operator.

Duncan formed Skyports in 2018 after identifying the need for safe, regulated, vehicle-agnostic landing infrastructure for the emerging AAM industry. The company is founded on the belief that electric aviation has the potential to deliver measurable benefits to people, businesses and the environment, and that Skyports’ vertiport infrastructure and drone services capabilities will enable it.

Duncan has 20 years of commercial real estate experience. Prior to founding Skyports he was a Main Board Director at Helical Plc, a FTSE listed investment and development company. He holds Master’s degree in Economics and Management from Oxford University.
